Thursday, August 15, 2013

K.P. Yohannan: Godliness Is Not an Abstract Theology

Photo: Gospel for Asia
Gospel for Asia Founder Discusses Subject of 'Touching Godliness,' Second Release

Gospel for Asia founder and president K. P. Yohannan, who recently greeted the second release of his book, Touching Godliness, says that despite an abundance of filled megachurches in the U.S., many Christians are far from a strong relationship with God.

"Just as the world has an abundance of food and clean water while people are dying of hunger and thirst, even so, as Christianity offers teaching and preaching like never before, people sit in church pews yet lack the deep knowledge of God," said Yohannan. "They are suffering spiritual bankruptcy."

Yohannan recently told The Christian Post that the main point of Touching Godliness is that "we are not the boss, God is."

"We cannot understand godliness if we remove the horizontal reality that people will be delivered and the way we live here on earth, the way that we show love to each other," he said. "Godliness is not an abstract theology, it is very practical and very real." Read more

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