Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Reports on the persecution of Christians from around the world

Pastor Saeed Abedini Fainting From Pain in 'Disturbing Turn of Events'

American Pastor Saeed Abedini's health has taken a turn for the worse and he is fainting from severe amounts of pain, according to his family in Iran who were able to visit him in Evin Prison, where he is serving an eight year sentence. Read more

Iran Sentences Christian Convert to 10 Years in Infamous Evin Prison

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has revealed this week that Mostafa Bordbar, a Christian convert in Iran, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison in Middle Eastern country for being part of an "anti-security organization" and "gathering with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security." Read more

Crackdown on Christian gatherings in northwest China

Christian Solidarity Worldwide has voiced concerns over reports of a crackdown on unregistered Christian meetings in China's Xinjiang province. Read more

Syrian rebels destroy Orthodox church in Al-Thawrah

"The 'Free Syrian Army' demolished the (Sts. Sergius and Bacchus) church," one refugee said sadly. "They tore up the sanctuary curtains, Bibles and other holy books, and broke all the crosses, chairs and icons of Jesus and the saints. They stole ele ctrical appliances like fans, chandeliers and lights. They took whatever was in the church, and sold it all. There is nothing there now." Read more

Uzbekistan: State tries to take one children's camp and raids another

Uzbekistan is attempting to deprive the registered Baptist Union of land it owns and uses to run summer camps for children and families. Read more

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