Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Tim Challies: Pressure Points: 12 Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church

Pressure can be an amazingly destructive force. When pressure builds up inside the earth's crust, it can result in a devastating earthquake. But pressure can also be beneficial. We would not have running water with it; neither would be able to enjoy the beauty of diamonds. Pressure, with its possibilities of benefit or destruction, is the metaphor at the heart of a new book by J.D. Payne.

Pressure Points lays out twelve of the global issues shaping the face of the church today, which is to say, twelve of the global issues that already are, and will continue to, impact the advancement of the gospel in the twenty-first century. Christians do not get to choose the issues that we must respond to or adapt to; however, we are able to choose how we will respond to them. Each of these issues represents a pressure point and with each point comes the possibility of success or failure, of responding well or responding poorly. Payne says, "While the church does not have control over the macro-level contextual issues of each generation, her response to them is a matter of kingdom stewardship." Read more

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