Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Who Raised These Millennials Anyway?

Boomers: Enough complaining about today’s generation.

e once sang about hoping to die before we got old, but quite a few of my fellow baby boomers have begun to sound like a cross between 1960s sitcom crank Granny Clampett and the 1980s SNL Church Lady when it comes to our kids' generation.

I've heard some in my age group lament that the millennials refuse to grow up. I've eavesdropped few remarks like, "Back when I was my son's age, I had a decent job and a mortgage. But you can't get a mortgage on a barista's salary. Come to think of it, back when I was my son's age, none of us knew what a barista was."

That grousing may fuel some lively discussion, especially if you're among people who enjoy a good handwringing session about the sorry state of affairs in our world, but the pride embedded in our insistence that we did life better in our good ol' days is counterproductive. And it's simply not true. Read more

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