Saturday, August 03, 2013

Why Welcome a Same-Sex Couple to Church?

How congregations can reach out to people with same-sex attraction and remain committed to biblical human sexuality.

Imagine this no-longer-hypothetical situation: Matt and Alex Jones-Smith, newlyweds, arrive on a Monday morning in summertime to register their adopted daughter, Rachel, for Vacation Bible School at Maranatha Bible Church on Main Street.

What should be the response of the Sunday school superintendent?

1. Provide directions to the nearest liberal congregation.

2. Register Rachel for Vacation Bible School and then hand the couple Marantha Bible's statement of faith, including the part on human sexuality where homosexual behavior is condemned.

3. Proceed with registration, and then ask the Jones-Smiths, legally married in the eyes of the state, to meet with the pastor to talk about baptism and membership.

4. None of the above. Read more

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