Friday, October 18, 2013

ACNA keeps the filioque clause

The decision to keep the filioque clause in “Texts for Common Prayer” represents a victory of common sense over special interests writes George Conger and is a mark of the political and theological maturity of the Anglican Church of North America.

On 18 October 2013 the ACNA released its long awaited Eucharistic liturgies. The document entitled “Texts for Common Prayer” retained the language of the double procession of the Spirit, the filioque, but permitted its omission when reciting the creed.

A draft text released in June had called for the omission of the “and the son” or filioque clause following the statement: “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father.”

A footnote to the draft text explained the reason for the revision by stating: "The filioque clause ‘and the Son’ may be added here. It is not included in the text above for ecumenical purposes, in accordance with the 1978 Lambeth Conference, though the ACNA does not disagree with the theology of the filioque."

The language found in “Texts for Common Prayer” keeps the filioque but permits its omission. It states: “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son],”

A footnote at the bottom of the pages explains: "The filioque [and the Son] is not in the original Greek text. Nevertheless, in the Western Church the filioque [and the Son] is customary at worship and is used for the explication of doctrine [39 Articles of Religion]. The operative resolution of the College of Bishops concerning use of the filioque is printed with the General Instructions at the end of the Holy Communion, Long Form." Keep reading


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