Saturday, November 02, 2013

CALL TO PRAYER: The persecuted church

Umar Mulinde grew up in a strict Muslim home in Uganda. His grandfather was an imam (religious leader), and Umar was trained in Islamic thought which went unchallenged until he left home for college.

Umar visited a church for the first time one Sunday and was so impressed with the Gospel that he surrendered his life to Christ. Three Muslim friends saw him leave the church and attacked him.

He assumed the beatings would stop. He was wrong.

In time, Umar preached in a church that grew in size to 1,000. On Christmas night 2011 as he left church, Muslim assailants threw acid on his face as they shouted, "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

As a result, he is badly scarred and blind in one eye, but he continues to preach. "When I became a Christian, I was set free from legalism, fear and hatred. My message today is one of Christ's love and forgiveness, and I will continue to preach it." Keep reading

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