Thursday, November 07, 2013

Mark Snowden: Sharpening your testimony

My Hope America with Billy Graham is underway in homes and community settings across the country. After viewing one of the evangelistic campaign's new videos with loved ones and friends, what will you say to those who may be responsive to the Gospel?

I often hear well-intentioned men and women give their testimony. Is there a better way? How is it possible to improve on one's personal experience with Jesus? We live in a time when people are complimented for even sharing their faith, but what happens when we spend too much time on the "before Christ" part of our testimony, unfortunately leaving the moment of salvation as muted, stunted and with no handles for a lost person to grab onto?

Have you told someone your personal salvation story in a while? Your testimony should model how someone can be saved. We all want to glorify God in what we say to others, so here's an opportunity to re-examine how you present God's plan of salvation. After all, helping others have a clear path to Christ is the ultimate way to honor God with your testimony.

Consider your personal story to be in three parts -- before, during and after. Keep reading

Also see
Larry Doyle: 'Scratch & smell'

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