Monday, December 02, 2013

Dave Page: Church Planters are Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Leadership guru Ken Blanchard once shared with me that you could tell if a person was an entrepreneur by the fourth grade. Church planters are spiritual entrepreneurs. Merriam-Webster defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” I remember starting my first lemonade stand when I was ten years old and recruiting other friends to help me. My first love was baseball and I was the guy that would call up his friends and ask one to bring the bats, another to bring the balls and invite everyone to meet at the elementary school at 2 pm to play baseball. In the same way, a church planter asks one friend to bring the sound system, another friend to bring the children’s ministry equipment and invites everyone to gather at the elementary school for a worship service.

Church planters are spiritual entrepreneurs who know that the odds are stacked against them in starting a successful church but they’re willing to assume the risk anyway. Unlike a business entrepreneur whose primary goal is to make money, a spiritual entrepreneur’s goal is to make meaning – to see lives changed by the power of God. Keep reading

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