Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Thom Rainer: Five Simple but Profound Leadership Lessons from Amazon and Jeff Bezos

Millions of people watched the 60 Minutes television report on Amazon and the interview with its leader, Jeff Bezos. Most of the attention turned to the unveiling of small drones that could be used in the future to deliver packages. In fact, Bezos hopes packages will be delivered by drones within 30 minutes from order. That possibility generated its own level of conversation and debate. You can see the entire 60 Minutes segment here (It’s about 15 minutes long).

Unfortunately, the fixation on the drones overshadowed some profound leadership lessons Bezos can teach us. We can learn from him and Amazon whether we like him and the company or not. Believe me, as president of LifeWay, I know up close what a fierce competitor Amazon can be.

I just watched the 60 Minutes segment a second time right before I wrote this post. Again, I came away amazed at some poignant leadership lessons I learned from Bezos and Amazon. Here are five.... Keep reading

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