Saturday, December 07, 2013

Stephen Noll: The Pilling Report and the Anglican Communion

On 28 November 2013The Church of England House of Bishops’ Working Group on Human Sexuality released its Report, which is more commonly known as the Pilling Report (PR). The full text of the 200-page document is found here: An introduction and commendations by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York are found here:

Initial reaction from conservatives in the Church of England can be found here: 

No doubt there will be much commentary yet to come, especially from within the Church of England.

The following analysis is restricted to those parts of the PR that most directly relate to the Anglican Communion in general and the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (GFCA) in particular. Although the Report does have chapter divisions, I shall refer to it by section (§). Keep reading

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