Friday, January 03, 2014

Aaron Damiani: My Top 10 Church Planting Tips from 2013

A new planter reflects on living a year of wise advice.

This year I faced one of my greatest fears: planting a church. I sought advice from veteran pastors and church planters. Their counsel has come through classes, formal coaching relationships, and one-off meetings or phone calls.

Now, our church (Immanuel Anglican in Chicago's diverse Uptown neighborhood) has launched. As I reflected on the past year, I made a quick list of the most helpful advice I was given during this first, vulnerable year of planting. Of course, this list is specific to our church's context, and most of our story has yet to be written. But I think the advice I've received could help others as well.

So without further ado, the top 10 insights I gleaned from others this year... Keep reading

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