Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Erik Reed: Identifying, Training, & Supplying Opportunities for Lay Preachers in Your Church

I could feel my heart racing. I was powerless over my footʼs unceasing need to tap the floor. The first words of the sermon were about to go soaring into the ears of the gathered congregation. My palms were sweaty and my heart was anxious for what was about to take place. There had been months of preparation for this moment. Now it was here. Then, Shawn, a volunteer church member who worked as a police officer at the airport, opened his Bible, and his mouth, and began the sermon for our Sunday worship gathering.

It was phenomenal. The exhilaration and jubilation of watching him successfully deliver Godʼs Word to the church was amazing. Seeing men who were led to Christ at our church, now preaching Christ to our church, gives unspeakable joy. I have had this experience countless times since that moment.

Since the launch of our church (The Journey Church – Lebanon, TN) in January of 2006, we have had over 22 different men (excluding myself), raised up within the church, who have preached on a Sunday morning. Of those 22 men, only 1 had been formally trained. The other 21 men were trained from within our church, and many of them have preached multiple times. Keep reading

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