Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Mike Bergman: Resolution or Revolution?

January 1, 2014 is upon us. In what has become a tradition in our culture, many people will make a New Year's resolution in which they vow to make a significant change in their life for the coming year.

For some it will be to lose weight, to eat better, to work less, to work more, to fix a certain relationship, to … you get the picture.

Sadly, though, people start out with good intentions, but somewhere deep down, we forget that for better or for worse -- often for worse -- we tend to be creatures of habit. The resolution was made, but the resolve doesn't last. And suddenly our list becomes as void and outdated as all the ones we made before.

What we need is not another year of vowed resolutions that have failed; if we are in Christ, we need to live in the revolution that has already taken place in our hearts.

The on-line dictionary,, offers this definition for "resolution": the act of determining upon an action or course of action, method, or procedure, etc.

So, we make a decision and we're going to act on it. Maybe. We hope.

A "revolution," meanwhile, is this: a sudden, complete, or marked change in something. Keep reading

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