Friday, January 17, 2014

Tony Reinke: An All-Consuming Passion for Jesus (Free eBook)

Thousands of college students wait silently in a dark auditorium as you make your way to the podium, under the spotlight. What will you say? What will you offer them?

When he climbs the stage at Passion2014 in Atlanta this weekend, John Piper will face this moment again.

Marking the eighteenth year of his involvement in the conference, this event has inspired some of Piper’s most memorable messages. It was at Passion in 2000 that he appealed to the students to boast only in the cross (Galatians 6:14). The crucifixion of Christ is essential for the Christian’s own identity, he said. “Only boast in the cross of Christ. This is a single idea. A single goal for life. A single passion. Keep reading

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