Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Trevin Wax: Christ Pays the Ransom, But To Whom?

This spring’s Gospel Project for Adults and Students will lead participants through the “Atonement Thread,” which helps people put the Bible together to see how the theme of atonement runs from Genesis to Revelation.

For the next several Thursdays, I’ve invited some friends to contribute to a blog series that looks at the beauty of the atonement from different perspectives. We began with Brandon Smith, who wrote about the mysterious beauty of penal substitution. Last week, Nancy Guthrie pointed us to the story of Hosea and Gomer to help us understand the beauty of redemption. Today, Jared Wilson shines light on the truth that Christ is our ransom.

Jared Wilson is the pastor of Middletown Springs Community Church and author of The Pastor’s Justification, Gospel Wakefulness, Your Jesus is Too Safe, and Gospel Deeps. His blog is The Gospel-Driven Church. Keep reading

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