Friday, March 14, 2014

Chuck Lawless: Discipling & theology on the mission field

I have traveled around the world and have reviewed many strategies for making global disciples, but this one caught my attention like few others. I am concerned that we help new believers develop a strong biblical theology, and this approach does just that.

John*, an IMB missionary serving in one of the most populated regions of the world, uses the Bible and the Baptist Faith and Message as his resource for training new believers and leaders. You likely have seen the layout of the BF&M: several theological articles complete with commentary and scriptural references. Instead of giving his students a translated version of the BF&M, though, John gives them only the scripture references that accompany each article and several questions to guide their study.

Imagine this scene. A group of new believers who have left another world faith to follow Christ are learning to study the Word. John gives them this exercise as they study the Word together.... Keep reading

Also see
The Baptist Faith & Message
You could not use this approach with Being a Christian: An Anglican Catechism. Scripture references do not accompany every question and answer and where they accompany a question and answer, they may have only a weak connection (if any connection at all) with the doctrine stated or inferred in the answer to the question. 

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