Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Karl Vaters: A Small Church Moment: Keeping Little Changes From Becoming a Big Deal

Every Church needs a plan.

Having a plan is not a big church thing. It’s a good stewardship and good leadership thing.

But plans are often subject to last-minute adjustments. Especially in a Small Church, where minor changes can cause big ripples.

That happened in our church last weekend. We had a perfect storm of circumstances (literally) that caused me to call an audible and drop the potluck we were going to have before our Annual Business Meeting.

I know it’s not a big deal – dropping a potluck. And if you’re in a larger church, you may be thinking “potluck? There are churches that still do those?” Yep. We do. In 5 years they’ll start feeling hip and retro. Then you’ll start doing them again – with an ironic twist, of course. Keep reading

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