Saturday, November 01, 2014

Money & the Small Church: 3 Reasons We Can’t Ignore It

I don’t like money.

I don’t like thinking about it, talking about it, teaching on it or worrying about it.

And I really don’t like asking for it. (No, this isn’t me asking for it.)

I don’t like what it does to people – both when we have it and when we don’t. I don’t like how having too little or having too much of it changes churches, ministries and people. And I don’t like the amount of time and energy that gets sapped from doing ministry to deal with fundraising, budgets and cost control.

But do you know what I really hate about money? When I don’t have enough of it.

How’s that for one of life’s crazy little ironies? Money may be the only thing in my life that I both dislike intensely, but I want more of.

No wonder Jesus warned us we can’t serve both God and Mammon (the god of money). If money all by itself can make you crazy, trying to serve God and money at the same time will turn you inside-out. Read more

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