Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The True Reformers

Semper reformanda has been hijacked. It is one of the more abused, misused, and misunderstood slogans of our day. Progressives have captured and mutilated the seventeenth-century motto and have demanded that our theology, our churches, and our confessions be always changing in order to conform to our ever-changing culture. However, semper reformanda doesn’t mean what they think it means. Read more
Progressives are not the only group that has hijacked this slogan. You sometimes hear it used by Anglo-Catholics and philo-Orthodox in the Anglican Church in North America to refer to their own efforts "to reconstruct Anglicanism on the model of the pre-Great Schism period of the eleventh century, undivided Church." They view this period--the early High Middle Ages--as the golden age of Christianity.

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