Saturday, May 09, 2015

The Skills to Become an Excellent Leader of the Smaller Congregation

Here are five skills of excellence that will impact the smaller congregation.

There were typos in the worship bulletin — again. The restrooms, cleaned by a volunteer custodian, did not have hand towels in the wall dispenser — again. The worship leader walked into the sanctuary three minutes before the start of the service — again. And the Christian education class for the four teenagers in the youth group joined the adult class because their teacher did not set her alarm — again.

Sound familiar?

As a former church planter, I have lived in the spiritual euphoria and emotional angst of the emerging congregation. The ultimate challenge was not getting warm bodies into those folding chairs. Rather, my frustration was convincing the new congregants God deserved nothing less than excellence because Christ, the Son of God, was living among us.

Since a church will always reflect its spiritual leadership, I am convinced the only option to rediscover growth, renewed worship, and a mesmerizing mission is for spiritual leadership to discover pragmatic excellence. Keep reading

Photo credit: Pixabay, public domain

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