Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday's Catch: The Election to Grace and More

Should Christians say, “God Predestines People to Hell”?

God has foreordained and controls all things whatsoever by his mysterious foreknowledge and providence. By definition, the eternal destinies of the elect and non-elect must fall under God’s foreordination and control. Yet Scripture does not directly state that God predestines people to hell. Instead, it continually emphasizes that God elects to eternal salvation.

In light of this emphasis in Scripture, we should attempt to match our thinking to this biblical pattern. This will lead us to emphasize the election of grace and the passing over of some. It will not lead us to emphasize that God predestines people to hell. Read More

God's Immeasurable Love (Part One of an Exploration of John 3:16)

John 3:16 may well be the most famous verse in the entire Bible. Even if it isn’t, its truth warrants continual celebration and gratitude. What I propose to do over the next couple of weeks is to explore this passage by looking at seven inescapable and eternally significant realities that together comprise this justifiably famous text. Read More

Seven Thoughts on Pastoral Attire in Worship Services

Pastoral attire has changed dramatically over the past few decades. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe examine why that has happened and how to adapt to this change. Listen Now
Anglican pastors don't have to worry about this issue, right? They wear vestments. Wrong, Anglican pastors do have to worry about attire. Before they opt to wear clericals in a community or a particular kind of vestment in church services, they need to learn more about their community and how the different segments of its population, particularly the unchurched segments of the population, can be expected to react to what they are wearing. They can expect first-time guests to walk through the door of their church, take one look at what they are wearing, and decide on the basis of their attire that the church is not their kind of church and not to return for a second visit.

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