Wednesday, February 03, 2021

All hallows Evening Prayer for Wednesday Evening (February 3, 2021) Is Now Online

The order of service for All Hallows Evening Prayer is taken from the Anglican Church of Canada’s The Book of Alternative Service (1985). The following excerpt from the introduction to “The Divine Office” in The Book of Alternative Services provides the best explanation for using this particular order of service.
“The liturgical materials which follow are intended to provide resources for all those who wish to enter into the Church’s daily Divine Office offering of prayer in the morning and the evening. These resources may be used to plan Sunday services for large or small congregations; they may be used by house-church congregations in remote areas; they are also intended for the weekday use of both clergy and lay people whether they pray alone or in groups; they are intended for colleges and religious communities. Evening Prayer may be adapted for use in either the early evening or the late evening; responses, psalms, and prayers associated with Compline are provided for the latter. Whoever uses these forms of prayer is asked to approach them creatively and adapt them as needed to the circumstances of the persons, the place, and the occasion.”
More and more Christians are forming micro-churches, small communities of Christians and seekers who gather together for worship, instruction, and prayer in person or online and who individually witness to Christ in their daily lives and collectively engage in ministry and service in the larger community. This particular order of worship has the kind of flexibility and nimbleness that these micro-churches need for their gatherings.

The Scripture reading for Wednesday evening is John 15: 12-17 Friends of Jesus. The homily is titled, “Friend to Jesus, Friend to God.”

The dismissal song is “Christ Be Near at Either Hand,” written by John Fennelly and based upon the prayer, St Patrick’s Breastplate. The setting is Steven C. Warner's arrangement of an Irish traditional tune GARTAN. GARTAN  is also the tune to which  Christina Georgina Rossetti’s “Love Came Down at Christmas” is often sung. The Notre Dame Folk Choir's performance of Warner's arrangement of the hymn is heard in the video. 

Andrew Wright’s arrangement of “Christ Be Near at Either Hand” for SATB choir, descant, and organ is available from Oregon Catholic Press. Wright has renamed his adaptation of the Irish traditional tune GARTAN GREYSTONES in honor of the Greystones Arts Festival in County Wicklow, Ireland. It should not be confused with William Richard Waghorne’s tune GREYSTONE. Wright’s choral arrangement of the hymn has an alternative fifth verse that may be used at Communion.

The link to Wednesday evening’s service is:

Please feel free to share the link to Wednesday evening’s service with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears. An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

Previous services are online at

May this service be a blessing to you.

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