Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'The Way of Violence Versus the Way of Jesus' And More

The Way of Violence Versus the Way of Jesus
There is the way of violence, and there is the way of Jesus, and they are never the same path.

God’s Nonviolent Plan of Salvation
The story that has developed over centuries among Christians, particularly in the West, is a strange and violent twist on the gospel, which literally means “good news.”

VOICES: The ethical bankruptcy of ‘moral equivalency’
The grotesque, gruesome and obscene atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against innocent Israelis on Oct. 7 have outraged and nauseated decent, civilized people across the globe. Let us all be clear: there can never be any justification for murdering innocent civilians (including infants, children and grandmothers, with children being butchered in front of their parents and vice versa).

8 Strategies for Reaching and Developing Gen Z
In today’s rapidly changing world, the church faces a critical challenge: engaging and connecting with Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012. This generation is often characterized by its technological savviness, diverse perspectives and desire for authenticity, which presents opportunities and obstacles for many churches.

Report: What Church Leaders Need To Know About How Gen Z Approaches the Bible
The perception that older people prefer print versions of the Bible while younger people prefer digital media is not entirely accurate, according to recent data presented in the American Bible Society’s (ABS) latest State of the Bible (SOTB) report. The newest chapter of State of the Bible 2023, “Bible Use and Technology,” explores how American adults connect with the Bible and the role digital media plays in their lives.

10 Signs of a Healthy Children's Ministry
Is your children's ministry healthy? Here are 10 signs of a healthy children's ministry.

The Meaning of Membership
Here’s a true-life parable about the meaning of membership.

Donald Trump and the exceptions of American evangelicalism
Evangelicals still see themselves as the true custodians of American authenticity.

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