Thursday, October 05, 2023

Thursday's Catch: '5 Tips for Leading the Church into Autumn" And More

5 Tips for Leading the Church into Autumn
The autumn season comes with its own unique challenges and opportunities for church leaders. As the leaves begin to change and the weather cools down, people look forward to enjoying seasonal festivities while cherishing the blessings of life. In this article we will discuss 5 tips for leading church into Autumn.

8 Potential Reasons a Church Plant May Not Grow
When it comes to strategic type of reasons a church plant doesn’t grow, Ron Edmondson has observed eight key reasons. The first and fifth reasons in my own experience are the most common reasons that Anglican church plants do not flourish.

4 Things People Want From Church
Shawn Vandergrift shares what he believes are the four things people want from the church in which they decide to become a member.

New Report on the Rise of Persecuted Christians and Global Displacement Around the World
World Relief and Open Doors US published the 2023 “Closed Doors” report detailing the current state of religious persecution around the world and its connection to U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum policies. The report reveals that one in seven Christians worldwide now suffer from persecution or discrimination – a trend that coincides with a 70% decrease since 2016 in the number of Christians resettled as refugees from the top 50 countries perpetuating Christian persecution.

11 Traits of a Foolish Pastor
When you think of a ‘fool’ often a humorous movie character comes to mind like the Three Stooges, Don Knotts, or Jerry Lewis. But Proverbs gives a different slant on a fool. We are to avoid them, not argue with them, or refuse to employ them. Proverbs describes fools as unwise, unteachable, proud, and blinded to their foolishness. But can pastors sometimes act like fools? Charles Stoe thinks so. Consider these 11 traits of a foolish pastor. 

4 Strategies to Read People to Better Lead People
Wouldn’t it be easier if your staff learned how to best work with your personality rather than you trying to learn how to work with each of their personalities?

How to Protect Your Schedule Without Being a Jerk 
How do you as a leader respond to all the meeting requests? How do you protect your schedule when time and energy are finite resources?

Young Elder Numbers Hit Record Low
Young elder numbers hit historic low. The percentage of young elders is lower than that of young deacons and young licensed local pastors. The percentage decline of young elders was only 1%, due to the overall decline of elders.
The United Methodist Church ordains elders (presbyters) and deacons. Its bishops are officers of its annual conferences. They are elders who have been elected to the office of bishop. Licensed local pastors are lay persons licensed by a annual conference to plan and lead worship, preach sermons, administer the sacraments, and provide pastoral care in a specific church. They are not itinerant like elders.
Why some retired clergy lose faith and leave church
Martin Thielen shares the results of an informal survey of retired clergy that he conducted and his analysis of his findings.

What Do You Worship?
What could you do to become as dumb and heartless as a rock? How could you become as plastic and phony as a consumer product? How might you lose your identity and evolve into your significant other’s soulless clone? It’s simple. Worship your significant other, worship consumer products, or worship a rock.

Learning to Pray With Eyes Wide Open
When we pray with our eyes closed, we are apt to miss what God is doing aroud us.

You’re Doing It Wrong: 7 Terrible Ways People Use QR Codes
Seldom a day passes on which I do not learn something new!

5 Ways to Increase Small Group Size
Need more people in your small group? Not sure where to find them? Surely, not everyone’s already in a group in your church? Where are they hiding? How can you find them? Don’t worry, sometimes Christians hide, and that’s ok, but we don’t want them to stay hidden. Other times, they’re looking for you too. Here are five ways you can find new people to increase your small group size.

Sukkot: the festival of in-gathering and joy
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on the significance of the Jewish festival of Sukkot.

Survey: US religious groups do not view climate change as a crisis
Among white evangelicals, the view that the Earth is in crisis actually dropped — from 13% in 2014 to 8% today.
Also see: The white evangelical march toward climate disaster
Image Credit: Rebekah Simon Peter

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