
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, June 30, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

Summer has arrived and with it, extraordinarily hot weather in some places. It is a time to show extra concern for those who are elderly or homebound, to check on how they are doing, and to see that they have adequate means to keep cool.

In this Sunday’s message we look at an important quality of character that Jesus embodied and what it means for believers.

It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

Readings: Wisdom 1: 13-15; 2: 23-24, 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15, and Mark 5: 21-43

Message: Called to Be Compassionate


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Closing General Convention in a Rush' And More

The House of Deputies raced to get through its agenda on June 28, the final afternoon of the 81st General Convention. Deputies worked with the knowledge that the House of Bishops had already called it a day, meaning that if the deputies amended a piece of legislation already approved by the bishops, they would effectively kill it. The pressures of time led to a number of widely-supported compromises: new liturgical canons that secured protections for conservatives alongside prayer book revisions desired by progressives, and a concession to the bishops’ insistence that the State of Israel is not an “apartheid” regime.
Related articles: Bishop Rowe’s Remarks to Deputies and PB-Elect Chooses a Simpler Installation.
4 Ways to Successfully Navigate Change
Great leaders manage change well. Great pastors also manage change well. But it’s not easy. In my research for my book, Brain-Savvy Leaders: the Science of Significant Ministry, I learned that brain insight can help us navigate change successfully. Consider these 4 ways to successfully navigate a change you’re facing.
The biggest challenges facing church leaders and churches in this decade are to avoid the pitfall of politicization and to make the transition from a maintenance mindset to a mission mindset.
3 Approaches to Recruiting Volunteers Among Infrequent Church Attendees
How does less frequent attendance impact volunteer recruitment? There are three mindsets church leaders may have as they recruit volunteers.

Obstacles to Prayer
According to an early historical document called the Didache, the first-century Christians maintained regular prayer meetings three times per day (third, sixth, and ninth hour). But a century later, the Christians held their prayer meetings only twice per day–Sunrise and sunset. It seems like the passion for prayer started slowly decaying, even up to this present day where statistics say that t 20% of church members never pray and the vast majority only do so occasionally.
Related articles: The Importance of Prayer, Prayer through the Holy Spirit, part 1, and Prayer through the Holy Spirit, part 2.

All four articles are available in Korean, Portguese, and Spanish as well as English.
How to Resurrect the Prayer Meeting
The book of Acts is a book of prayer. Private prayer, however, is rarely mentioned. Instead, whenever the church needed the Spirit’s power for evangelism, they gathered for a prayer meeting (Acts 1:14). When they faced persecution, they launched a prayer meeting (Acts 4:23-31). The early church had only one response when their pastors were imprisoned. They started a prayer meeting until their leaders were set free (Acts 12:1-5).

Young Adults in Church: How To Retain Your Teen Graduates
Many blog posts and books cover the subject of keeping young adults in church after high school graduation. But I want to narrow it down to four practical solutions. When congregations use these tips, they’re more likely to retain young adults in church after graduation.

5 Steps to Create Maximum Student Impact
Follow this plan to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your youth ministry.

How to Create a Gospel Advancing Network
Whether you’re already part of an existing youth leader network or you’re creating one from scratch, the following simple steps will help you share the Gospel Advancing approach with other youth leaders in your community.

Worship Unleashed: Engaging Youth in Praise and Worship
What does worship unleashed mean? And how does it apply to teen ministry? Read on for insights about engaging kids in life-changing worship.
The older Christian music also attracts today's teens as does global music, songs from the World Church. Some popular worship music has a powerful message and some does not. Churches can learn from the Asbury Outpouring: the music was fairly simple and was accompanied largely by piano and acoustic guitar. For this reason, I would encourage the use of a wide-range of musical styles and songs with a clear Biblical message.
Are You Sharing the One Story?
Children have a faith that’s ready to go. So let’s not waste that opportunity by delivering a mere morality tale in Sunday school and children’s church. We need to share the Gospel message and Gospel Truth.

Singing Praises: Music and Worship in Children’s Church 
Partner with your church’s worship leader to create joyful praise experiences for kids. If you’re on your own or don’t have a musical background? Don’t worry! You can still get kids singing praises to God. Discover practical tips about children’s worship.
A number of hymns and worship songs work well in a church's Sunday services, Sunday school and children's church. One of the things that churches learned in the 1970s and 1980s was that if the worship experience in children's church was too different from that in the Sunday services, children would have difficulty in transitioning from children's church to the Sunday service. They would come to prefer the kind of worship experience offered in children's church over that offered in the Sunday service.
An Easy Way to Say Thank You to Volunteers (and invite them back!)
Download a simple gift you can bless your volunteers with as you transition from summer to fall and invite them back to serve another year.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'The Discipleship Crisis" And More

The Discipleship Crisis
The discipleship crisis is not confined to the United Kingdom. It affects Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. It is present wherever people identify as Christians and even go to church but only subscribe to a few of the core beliefs of Christianity. It explains why the lives of many self-identfied Christans does not differ from their non-Christian neighbors.

Christian communities face growing political divide as religious affiliation declines
More than a quarter of Americans now claim no religious affiliation, a finding from the Pew Research Center. That makes the so-called “nones” the largest bloc of Americans. Judy Woodruff reports that for white Christians, the once-dominant group by far, there’s also been a growing political divide within communities as faith has receded. It’s for her latest installment of America at a Crossroads.

Churchgoers Believe Public Perception of Christians is Declining in the U.S.
Those who believe the public perception of Christians is worsening say responsibility belongs to both Christians and the rest of America.

C of E Conservatives May Form New Province
A group of Church of England evangelicals may form a third province for orthodox churches and clergy if General Synod allows a novel three-year trial process for stand-alone services for same-sex blessing.
Related article: Orthodox Anglicans set out their positions on Church of England's same-sex blessing plans
PCUSA may add sexual orientation, gender identity to antidiscrimination policy
Presbyterian Church (USA) is considering a measure that, if approved, would add sexual orientation and gender identity to their antidiscrimination policy for people seeking ordination. Known as POL-01 or the “Olympia Overture” after the Presbytery that proposed it, the measure would amend the PC(USA) Book of Order to include gender identity and sexual orientation to the antidiscrimination statement found in F-1.0403.

Mixed Support for Communion Across Difference in Deputies
The House of Deputies on June 27 declined to appoint a new Communion Across Difference task force, after two task forces have worked since 2018 to foster “mutual flourishing” between supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage.Pr ogressive deputies also took aim at two other resolutions the task force sponsored, both of which had been approved by the House of Bishops. One resolution passed, while the other was defeated. A third resolution was approved by both houses on the consent agenda.

Avoid Being Wrong When You’re Right
If we’ve expressed a biblical truth without biblical love, we’ve missed the mark. Upholding Christ-honoring truth requires Christ-honoring communication. How we say what we say always matters.

How Can I Love People Even When They’re Wrong?
Paul told us in Romans 12:9 to “abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” But what happens when we disagree on what’s “evil” and what’s “good”?

Welcome the Questions and Keep the Faith
Dictators and demagogues demand unquestioning allegiance, and Jesus doesn’t fall into those categories. Jesus draws us to himself through our curiosity. If you’ve wrestled with big questions, you’re not bad. You’re not a threat to the Christian faith or the local church. You’re human....

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, June 27, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

Living a life that embodies Jesus’ teaching is one of the marks of a true disciple of Jesus. This evening’s message looks at what Jesus said about it.

Reading: Matthew 7: 21-29

Message: On What Foundation Are You Building?


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Thursday's Catch: 'Sean Rowe, leader of Episcopalians in Penn., NY, elected next presiding bishop' And More

Rowe, who will be the 28th presiding bishop, has been bishop of the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania since 2007 and bishop provisional of Western New York since 2019.
Related article: Sean W. Rowe Elected as 28th Presiding Bishop
The Idol of ‘How it Should Be’
What is an idol? We typically think of idols like totem poles – wooden or bronze or iron statues with grotesque faces that people bow before while chanting in low, hushed tones. But the idols of today are less visible, but no less insidious.

Which Do You Feed, Anxiety or Hope?
A thoughtful post from Jack Shitama's blog, The Non-Anxious Leader.

5 Improv Skills for Church Leadership
Incorporating lessons from improv comedy into ministry might seem unlikely, but it has profoundly impacted Elizabeth Hurd’s ministry. Through improv classes she’s discovered five key improv skills that enhance effective church leadership: listening, saying “yes, and,” staying grounded, being bold, and supporting from the backline.

Leaders Pray Expectantly
Leaders pray expectantly. Are you a leader? How do you pray?

No Problem Is Too Small for Prayer
Do you ever feel too small for God, as though your worries don’t deserve his attention? As though he has more important things to do than tend to that tricky relationship, those hidden regrets, that dwindling bank account? If you’re tempted to believe such lies, consider an overlooked story in 2 Kings 6 — a story of small people, small problems, and a small miracle that can transform our understanding of God.

5 Tips for Balancing Family Life During Leadership Transitions
It’s appointment season in the United Methodist Church. Changes in appointments can be disruptive to home and family life, especially if the move isn’t just across town. Balancing family life during leadership transition is a vital part of the process.
While this article is written for United Methodist clergy, it is applicable to clergy of other denominations.
Treasuring God’s Word in Our Hearts
Treasuring God's Word is more than reading the Bible; it's meditating on the Word of God so we can reflect the God of the Word to those around us.

Ministry to Divorced Families: The Vital Role of Youth Leaders
All church leaders conduct ministry to divorced families at some point. Many children, teens, and adults in U.S. congregations are impacted by divorce. How well are you ministering to divorced families in your youth program?

Super, Natural Ways to Connect With Parents
Connecting with parents isn’t as daunting as you think. In fact, as children’s ministry leaders, you’re already equipped with superpowers you may not even realize! Keep reading to discover three dynamite, super practical, super natural ways to relationally reach parents of kids in your sphere of influence. Learn to harness what YOU do best!

9 Summer Nights: Ideas Guaranteed to Be a Blast for Families
Here are 9 inspired ideas to celebrate God, family, and fun this summer.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wedesday's Catch: '3 Factors That Create an Unchurched Christian' And More

3 Factors That Create an Unchurched Christian
The local church has lost its prominence among too many professing Christians, but Scripture has no category for the unchurched Christian.

ACNA’s Attendance & Membership Rebound
Attendance within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) rebounded in 2023 to pre-COVID numbers, according to congregational report data released June 25 at the denomination’s Provincial Council meeting at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. The denomination in 2023 reported an increase of 36 congregations to a total of 1,013, an increase in membership of 3,115 (+2.5 percent) to a total of 128,114 and an increase in attendance of 9,211 (+12 percent) to a total of 84,794.
I tend to take ACNA attendance and growth figures with a grain of salt, primarily because its reports do not break down their figures sufficiently to gain an accurate picture of attendance and growth in the ACNA. More detailed reporting (e.g. congregation size, congregation type, length of time in existence, etc.) would give a more accurate picture.
Bishops Begin Adding Same-Sex Marriage Rites to BCP
The House of Bishops began adding an inclusive marriage rite to the Book of Common Prayer on June 25, while expressing gratitude for the work on Communion Across Difference. Bishops also approved eight changes to the church’s disciplinary canons and an initiative focused on congregational revitalization.
If the House of Bishops was serious about congregational revitalization, it would give more thought to how its decisions negatively impact congregations. A number of its past decisions have had disasterous impact upon congregations located in communities where a significant portion of the population holds what it considers are traditional values and is opposed to social change that is likely to erode or displace these values. When the House of Bishops make such decisions, it adds to the challenges with which these congregations may be faced such as aging members, shifting demograpics, declining interest in church attendance, and the like.
How Jefferson and Madison’s partnership – a friendship told in letters – shaped America’s separation of church and state
More than 2,000 letters between the two founders are available online. Many attest to their deep commitment to religious freedom.

Why is this still happening?
Louisiana is making history, and not the good kind. As the only state with a law mandating displays of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom, Louisiana is a standout among a host of states pursuing legislative measures that would upend religious freedom as we know it.

Leading Amidst Christian Nationalism
Lovett H. Weems Jr. outlines seven strategies for responding to Christian nationalism in measured and faithful ways. Church leaders should try to help congregants put their love of country in perspective as people of faith while not expressing judgment or devaluing the feelings of loss that often give rise to today’s iteration of Christian nationalism.

Building bridges in a divided world: 7 ways to cultivate unity
In a world that is increasingly divided, followers of Jesus can be proactive and intentional about building bridges over the chasm of our differences. Our faith calls us to be peacemakers, to love our neighbors and to cultivate unity in our churches and communities.

“Everyday Leadership and Hope for Humanity” featuring Heidi Brooks
How can church leaders lead in such a way that is meaningful, sustainable, interesting and makes an impact? We speak with Heidi Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the Yale School of Management, a leadership and organizational behavior expert about everyday leadership.

Eisegesis, Exegesis, and Wonder
“It doesn’t matter what you think about the text. It only matters what the text meant to the original author.”
Eisegesis includes allegorizing a text, making it an allegory about something other than what the text is about.
Kid Noises
I love kid noises too.

Tips for A Fun and Safe Summer! ...we can all help keep kids safe throughout the summer, whether you’re a parent, family member, or even a neighbor helping out by watching the kids.

Object Lesson for Kids: Building Kindness
In this object lesson, kids explore the meaning of kindness as they build up and tear down block buildings.

Youth Ministry Network: 11 Keys for a Youth Leader Support System
A youth ministry network is an often-overlooked but essential part of youth ministry. Learn 11 tips for building and growing a youth worker support system in your area.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Five Symptoms of “Ministry Knots” in Your Church' And More

Five Symptoms of “Ministry Knots” in Your Church
What are the symptoms of ministry knots, and how can they be massaged out in a church? Consider these five symptoms.

Principles for Leading an Effective Meeting
Here are a few ideas for the effective leadership of regular ministry meetings. They’re written for ordinary meetings of modest groups and may not apply to retreats or crises.

If God is Sovereign, Why Do We Pray?
Why should we pray if we know that God is sovereign? Whether it is a curious young mind trying to make sense of the complexities and mysteries of the Christian life and the ways of God or a mature Christian wrestling with the implications of the teachings of Scripture, the question of God’s sovereignty and the necessity of prayer will feature somewhere.

A Peaceful Presence
We live in times when the volume is loud and emotions are raw. As followers of Jesus, we can’t remove all turmoil. But what we can do is bring the peace of Jesus as we walk in this tumultuous world.

Anglican Church in North America elects Steve Wood as archbishop
Wood will replace Foley Beach, who has been the archbishop of ACNA for a decade.

Bishop Hunn Calls for Church Culture Change
The Rt. Rev. Michael Hunn of the Rio Grande critiqued a church culture of fruitless meetings and wasteful spending, the disconnect between national church initiatives and the experience of local churches, and the failure to measure the effectiveness of its programs in a sweeping critique during the House of Bishops’ Monday legislative session.
I question the wisdom of the bishops slashing the funding for the development of resources and models for online/in-person hybrid worship and shooting down the funding for creation of a new supplement to The Hymnal 1982. The online service is now the front door to the local Episcopal church. People looking for a new church home will view as many as six of these services before visiting the church in person. Online servics have different requirements from in-person ones.

Contrary to what Bishop Martins asserted, my experience has been that most Episcopal churches, particularly the small ones,the majority of Episcopal churches, do not look for alterative music when it is needed. They "make do" with The Hymnal 1982. Hymnal supplements are useful resource for expanding the repertoire of the local Episcopal church and making its worship more attractive to a diverse segemnt of the community. What would also greatly benefit the Episcopal Church is a website that promoted such music and assisted Episcopal churches navigate the complexities of obtaining copyright permission, performance licenses, live-streaming licenses, and the like. Regrettably these two decisions will further contribute to the decline of the Episcopal Church.

The bishops need a mission-mind set, not the maintenance-mindest Hunn advocated.
Bishops Back Communion Across Difference Canons
By wide margins, the House of Bishops passed resolutions that amend the Episcopal Church’s canons to acknowledge two teachings on marriage, and to protect access to ordination, deployment, and canonical residency for clergy irrespective of their conscientiously held belief that marriage is between a man and a woman or between two persons

‘Bad Guys’ vs. ‘Good Guys’ narrows the framing on SBC and sexual abuse
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force disbanded without having implemented much of anything. The database they purported to “launch” last year — even hyping it as “historic” — remains empty. It holds not a single name of any credibly accused pastor. Similarly, there has been no permanent funding allocated for abuse reforms.

Clergy, parents file suit against Louisiana Ten Commandments law
'This is religious favoritism, and it is not only dangerous, but runs counter to my religion and faith,' said the Rev. Jeff Sims, a Presbyterian Church (USA) minister and a plaintiff in the case.
Also See: Fighting Ten Commandments law is part of ‘the civil rights movement of our generation,’ ACLU leader says and Why Posting the Ten Commandments in Schools Is Wrong
‘Not a gay church’: UMC of Liberia won't bless same-sex marriages, ordain LGBT clergy
The United Methodist Church in Liberia will not bless same-sex unions or ordain noncelibate homosexual clergy even after the denomination voted to allow both practices. Liberian Bishop Samuel J. Quire Jr. released a statement earlier this month in response to the UMC General Conference voting overwhelmingly to remove rules from the UMC Book of Discipline prohibiting same-sex marriage and ordination.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The Equation for Political Transformation" And More

The Equation for Political Transformation
True change in any country comes only through first building God’s Kingdom.

The Most Dangerous Thing a Christian Can Do
" of the most innocent things a Christian does may also be one of the most dangerous."
One of the implications of this finding is that churches need to give more attention to newcomers to the community and the outlying district.
5 Dangerous Ways Churches Convince Themselves They’re Growing
"I’ve seen many church leaders try to convince themselves and their people that they are growing," writes Rich Birch, " which is dangerous because then you won’t be motivated to change or do what is needed to reach the people God is calling you towards." He goes on to explain how church leaders deceive themselves and their people.

Steve Wood Elected ACNA Archbishop
Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) bishops meeting in a conclave have have chosen the Rt. Rev. Steve Wood to lead the 15-year-old denomination. Wood serves as Bishop of the Diocese of the Carolinas and rector of St. Andrew’s Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.
Trouble may be brewing in the ACNA over the ordination of women. I hear the rumblings on Facebook. Wood is one of the bishops who ordains women to the presbyterate in the ACNA. Women's ordination is one of the major issues that divides the ACNA with two groupings of clergy within the ACNA opposing the practice but on different grounds.
Committee Divides on Prayer Book Redefinition
General Convention’s Committee on Constitution and Canons issued a rare split decision on a major issue at its first in-person meeting on June 22. The committee’s four bishops unanimously approved Resolution A072, which would amend the definition of the Book of Common Prayer in Article X of the Episcopal Church’s Constitution. The committee’s deputies rejected it by a vote of 4-6.

Where will churches leaving the SBC go?
In theory, churches expelled from the SBC could join CBF — but the vast majority will not unless they already were dually aligned.

Most Protestant churches aren’t supporting pro-life pregnancy centers, Lifeway survey suggests
There’s a significant gap in the involvement of Protestant churches with local pregnancy resource centers, despite heightened attention on such centers following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade two years ago. A survey by Lifeway Research reveals that only 31% of Protestant churchgoers have observed any congregational support for these centers since the ruling.

The Psalms' Quiet Case for Musical Diversity
How much of a case is there in the Bible for the practice of incorporating diverse styles of music in the regular worship of our churches?

How To Start a Youth Ministry in a Small Church
“Where do I start?” It’s a question a lot of youth workers ask, especially when they’re trying to figure out how to start a youth ministry in a small church. Where do you begin if you’re attempting to launch a new program for teenagers, especially in a smaller congregation?

5 Ways to Develop Your Leaders This Summer
Take advantage of the slower pace to thank your leaders and prepare them for fall.

8 Ways to Encourage Word-Driven Conversations
As the small group leader, there are things that you can do to bring people back to God’s Word continually and help them be more receptive to the Lord speaking to their hearts through it:

Are We Discipling People to Integrate their Faith and Vocation?
We should labor to ensure our people learn not only how to navigate life at church but also how to bring church to their vocation.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, June 23, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

This Sunday’s Gospel reading is Mark’s account of Jesus’ calming of the storm. This Sunday’s message considers an important way that it applies to Christians and would-be Christians.

With the exception of “Lord, Have Mercy,” “Glory to God,” and ““Give Thanks to the Lord,” all music selections for this Sunday come from Common Praise (1998) or its supplement, Sing a New Creation (2022).

It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

Readings: Job 38:1–11, 2 Corinthians 6:1–13 and Mark 4:35–41

Message: Who Is This Man?


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday's Laniappe: 'The Weight of the BCP at General Convention' And More

The Weight of the BCP at General Convention
The 2024 General Convention will consider a second reading of a revision to Article X of the Constitution, which governs the establishment and revision of the Book of Common Prayer in Resolution 2024-A072. For the reasons that he outlines in this article, Matthew S.C. Olver is convinced that it would be very unwise for the General Convention to pass this revision to Article X and he urges the General Convention to reject it.

What the Future Looks Like for Multisite Churches
"When it comes to making predictions, I study the past, observe the present, extrapolate into the future … and anticipate surprises!"Jim Tomberlin explains why.

9 Obstacles When Planting a Church
Like any movement, challenges exist that threaten the vitality and longevity of church planting. We must consider how to address them. This list certainly isn’t exhaustive, but I’ve identified 9 challenges that could hinder the forward advance of church planting.
Among the obstacles to church planting that I have encountered is the lack of interest of clergy not just in my deanery but in the entire diocese in church planting. In the opening decade of this century the parish (county or local government district) in which I lived was experiencing an explosion in in the growth of its population and could have easily supported one or more Episcopal churches in addition to the three which existed in the parish at that time. However, the rector of my parish, which had been planted as a mission in the 1980s, and the rectors of the other two churches in the parish showed no interest in planting new churches. Indeed, one of them asked that the bishop not plant a new church in his part of the parish, fearing that it would not only attract newcomrs to the area but members and attendees of his own church. The bishop acquiesced to his request, only to change his mind when the Anglican Mission in America announced its plans to plant a church in the parish. He authorized the planting of a new church at the other end of the parish. Both of the rectors of the churches at that end of the parish refused to have anything to do with the new congregation. The bishop appointed the rector of a church in Baton Rouge, almost 80 odd mile drive from the parish, to oversee the new work. The new congregation thrived until the events of 2003, which had a negative impact upon church attendance across the diocese, resulting in the shutting down of the diocese's other church plant and the reversion of the diocese's newest parish to mission status. The congregation eventually disbanded after maintaining a shadow existence for a number of years. It never recovered from the effects of the events of 2003.
‘Live My Truth’: The Gospel in an Age of Privatized Faith
True evangelism announces the good news that cannot be reduced to personal preference or private spirituality.

Opinion: Gov. Landry and the new Ten Commandments
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry seemed quite smug with himself, surrounded by similarly adoring fans as he proudly — yes, even regally — signed into law his dangerous bill to place the Ten Commandments in every classroom in every public educational institution in Louisiana.

Christian Reformed synod tells LGBTQ-affirming churches to repent or disaffiliate
At its national synod this week, the Christian Reformed Church in North America voted to put congregational leaders on 'limited suspension' if their churches publicly welcome LGBTQ+ members, violating the CRCNA's official stance on same-sex relationships.
Also see: Synod Sets a Course of Discipline for CRC Churches Acting Contrary to CRC Teachings
People Give to People
People give to people. This is a fundamental principle that most in the church have failed to grasp. The belief in the mission of the nonprofit may be the number one reason why people say they chose to give to something, but in most cases they also had some relationship with the person who was leading the mission. It was the degree of confidence they had in that person that would often make the difference in the degree of support.

How the Church Can Support Families Going Through a Medical Crisis
More often than not, a medical crisis isn’t planned or anticipated. And even if we have some heads-up and some time to plan, we can still be surprised by feelings and needs that might arise that we didn’t see coming.

The Disciple Making Movement Urban Settings Calls for New Methods
The Disciple Making Movement (DMM) that is sweeping around the globe began among unreached people groups in remote, rural areas. Today there is growing interest in multiplying disciple makers in urban centers. But how do the simple, Biblical principles that propel the Disciple Making Movement in out-of-the-way places work in today’s growing urban centers?

Image Credit: Daily Office Anchor Society

Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday's Catch: '3 Clues for Reaching New Believers' And More

3 Clues for Reaching New Believers
Lovett H. Weems Jr. shares metrics for gauging your church’s effectiveness in bringing new people to faith. He also outlines three clues that can help churches of all sizes reach new believers. 

The Great Omission
Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand say that if we take from Jesus’s Great Commission only the call to “make disciples” we are omitting one small but important word. GO! The Great Commission isn’t about bringing people into the church building and properly Christianizing them. It’s about a community of learners, going out together, becoming, and making disciples as they journey through the normal trials and joys of life.

Why Isn't Your Church Reaching the Unchurched?
In a day when almost every church would say they want to reach the unchurched, why isn’t it happening more often? Why are churches better known for their rhetoric about reaching the unchurched than the reality of actually doing it?

When Christian Groups Subvert Religious Liberty of Christians
The Italian Supreme Court’s harassment of an evangelical church serves as a stark reminder that the ongoing threats to religious liberty often come from those who identify as Christians.

5 Steps for Creating a Crisis Communication Plan for a Church
For pastors of congregations of all sizes, creating an effective crisis communication plan isn’t just a necessity; it’s a responsibility.

What Effective Pastors Must Prioritize
I’ve been a pastor over 40 years and I’ve made lots of mistakes. But as I’ve grown wiser, I’ve learned that if I prioritize a few key choices, my life and leadership dramatically improve and my ministry becomes more effective. Here are three key choices I encourage every pastor to prioritize.

Mastering the Art of Communication: How to Leave Your Audience Wanting More
If you communicate on any level, what’s your goal? What do you hope happens during and, more importantly, after you speak?

Preaching Transformation: The Change We Need
Ed Stetzer discusses the importance of transformation in the life of a Christian and offers points to assist the preacher in helping their congregation see it through.

Three Root Causes Of Stalled Spiritual Transformation
Why does spiritual growth sometimes stall out in believers? Thom Rainer offers his view and solutions from a study of the Corinthian church.

A Caution For Expository Preaching
Dr. Iain Murray discusses why a number of circles today consider “expository preaching” in vogue, but warns against exclusively preaching that way for a number of reasons.

7 Marks Of Great Preaching
When a sermon includes the following seven central elements, and when the Holy Spirit is present, something happens—the Word comes alive and people come to faith.

Growing in Jesus (Yourself) This Summer
In ministry we do many things that help us learn about God and tell others about him. We spend time with the Lord so we can get ready to teach someone else. Yet, we have to start with asking ourselves with honesty, “Is it easier to go through the motions than to press in and be near him?” Do I want to live with this knot or learn to trust the Lord more?

Sunday School Curriculum: How to Choose Materials for Children
Choosing Sunday school curriculum for your church is an important decision. Class materials greatly impact your children’s ministry. And these days, solid options abound!

3 Activities to Try in Your Church Nursery This Summer
Check out these fresh ideas for your church nursery!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, June 20, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday evenings at All Hallows.

John Wesley, an Anglican priest, a leading figure of the eighteenth century Evangelical Revival, and the founder of the Methodist movement rose every day before the cock crowed and devoted the early morning hours to reading, studying, and mediating on the Holy Scriptures and praying. He recognized that these activities were God’s gift to us, means of God’s grace by which God strengthened and confirmed our faith, two of the many ways that God shows his love for us.

In this evening’s message we look at the model for prayer that Jesus gave us.

Reading: Matthew 6: 7-15

Message: A Model for Prayer


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Thursday's Catch: '‘Been So Long Praying’: 4 Reasons Why I Observe Juneteenth' And More

‘Been So Long Praying’: 4 Reasons Why I Observe Juneteenth
If we don’t hesitate to say we put a man on the moon and we won WWII, then we shouldn’t hesitate to say we enslaved an entire class of image-bearers based on their skin color.
Also see: What, to the white American, is the 19th of June?
Louisiana becomes first state to require Ten Commandments display in public school classrooms
Louisiana became the first state to require public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments through a Republican-backed bill signed by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday.
The claims of the proponents of this measure are weak. The basis of Louisiana's legal code is not the Ten Commandments as they maintain, but the Code Napoleon, a collection of laws codified in France in the wake of the French Revolution, at a time when France was in a very anti-religious mood. The legal codes of other states have their basis in English common law, whose origins predates the evangelization of the Germanic tribes that invaded the British Isles in fifth century AD.
4 Behaviors of a Thriving Worship Ministry
Over the past 18 months, I have served 50-plus churches as a worship team trainer and guest worship leader. I’ve noticed some interesting trends in thriving worship ministries that are healthy, growing and happy. This post has little to do with the quality of liturgy or congregational worship experience, but it’s more a peek under the administrative hood. It is not exhaustive, it’s just a list of markers I have noticed.

What Children’s Ministry Will Look like in 10 Years
Children’s ministry: What will it look like in 10 years? Here are my thoughts.

Social Media Guide - Free from Church Fuel
In this guide, the folks at Church Fuel have crafted posts for you to share on your church's social media to encourage people, increase connection and engagement, and inspire spiritual growth.

Small Group Can Be Scary for Visitors
Showing up to a small group for the first time can be a scary experience. Small group members can help replace this scary experience with an enjoyable one for visitors. To do this, group members need to be intentional in creating the enjoyable experience.

Summer Is for Family (And That Includes Your Small Group)
For a lot of us, summer means more time with family. Kids are home from school and family vacations are the norm. We also tend to have a bit more margin than during the hectic other seasons. As small group leaders, that extra time spent with family should also include our group members. Your small group should be looked at as a family, not a function. With a function, we can take breaks and come back to it when we feel like it. With family, there is no such thing as extended breaks.

Do You Envy the Wicked?
You can be a Christian for many years and still find your heart instinctually swayed toward what you once loved and what once drew your heart.

12 Ways To Respond in a Spiritual Rut
I wrote yesterday about signs to see if you’re in currently in a spiritual rut. Today, here are some options for getting out of the rut....

Wednesday's Catch: 'What Should Pastors Do When They Must Lead People They Don’t Trust' And More

As a church leader, you will face situations where you must lead people you can’t completely trust. Typically, time will reveal the truth, but it could take a while. How should a pastor operate in the meantime?

The Man Who Introduced American Evangelicals to C. S. Lewis
Clyde S. Kilby played a key role in introducing evangelicals and fundamentalists and Americans in general to C.S.Lewis.

Lying does count!
These days, ‘alternative facts’ have morphed into ‘alternative truth,’ which, when all’s said and done, is simply lying.

LGBTQ+ Population Grows, Especially Among Gen Z
Around 1 in 13 U.S. adults (7.6%) identify as LGBTQ+, including 22.3% of Generation Z, according to the latest Gallup survey.

Did Jesus say 'love is love?'
Over the past decade or so, marriage and sexual identity definitions have been under attack in our world. And as we rub shoulders with people we know and love, who are in the process of redefining their sexuality or marriage or maybe even gender, we must each try to find a way to navigate these re-definements.

5 Steps to Finding Closure: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Changing Appointments
This is appointment season in my home denomination, the United Methodist Church. When that new appointment is made, it’s natural to feel a rollercoaster of emotions. Excitement for the future mixes with pangs of grief at the thought of leaving those with whom you’ve built loving relationships. Or perhaps, there’s more than a little bit of relief at leaving a church that wasn’t a great fit.
In the Anglican Church of Canada, the Episcopal Church, and the various other Anglican tradition churches in Canada and the United States, this is an experience to which vicars and deacons appointed by their bishop to one or more mission churches can relate.
The Uselessness of Prayer
You will never think prayer is a good use of your time if you’re thinking of prayer in terms of usefulness. That is the wrong starting point.

United Church of Christ (NY) condemns violence against Indian religious minorities
At its June 1, 2024 meeting in Binghampton, NY, the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ unanimously passed a resolution condemning violence against religious minorities in India, which include Christian organizations and individuals as well as other religious minorities, including Muslims.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'The Church and Mission in Europe Today: Changing the Narrative' And More

The Church and Mission in Europe Today: Changing the Narrative
An extraordinary re-evangelization of Europe is underway. I think we can identify three primary dimensions of that re-evangelization. What follows is a summary but you can read much more in my Europe 2021 report.

Evangelical Identity
When is an evangelical not an evangelical? Research released from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts shows people with evangelical beliefs often do not use the word “evangelical” to describe themselves.

Karl Vaters: De-Size the Church
Where did our obsession with “bigness” in relationship to church size come from? It’s a relatively new thing. And yet, when you pastor within a culture that is obsessed with bigness, you don’t even recognize the water you’re swimming in. The Church Growth Movement has been around for about 40 years. We now have enough distance from it and enough time in it to be able to step back and make a proper assessment of it.

I Don’t Want My Church to Be Small. But It Is. Now What?
Don't let your desire for church growth stop you from appreciating the importance of doing great ministry right here, right now, at your current size.
Also see: Church Growth And The Myth Of Inevitability, I Don’t Want Churches To Be Small; I Want Small Churches To Be Great, and 7 Dangers Of Romanticizing The Small Church
Who Can Lead a Dinner Church? with Jeremy Veninga
Who starts a Dinner Church? In this episode, Verlon reconnects with Jeremy Veninga, who leads two Dinner Churches in St. Louis. Jeremy describes his sense of calling, and how he overcame his lack of formal education. Listen and learn how God is using everyday people to do extraordinary things.

3 Benefits of Being the Pastor
Despite the universal challenges faced by simply being a pastor, Hispanic congregations in the U.S. have unique dynamics.

Dear Parent… Yours in Christ, Youth Worker 
Part of a series ‘Raising the Bar on Youth Ministry,’foundational exhortations and fresh thinking from Australian youth ministry leaders.

From Negative to Positive
What would happen if you simply changed your language from a negative posture to an opportunistic posture? Leaders who position a volunteer opportunity as laying up treasure in heaven and making an influence in the kingdom of God go significantly further than those who come to the conversation with an attitude of sorrow and burden. You are not a burden to those you lead.

5 Reasons Your Church Should Check Out Google Ad Grant
Did you know that Google gives qualifying nonprofits up to $10,000 monthly in free advertising money? It can feel like a gimmick or that there’s some string attached, but the reality is that when someone in your community searches for “things to do with special needs kids,” “local events,” “loneliness” or any other keywords you target, your church’s ad can show up at or near the top of their search results. It’s a powerful tool that can turn into your church’s automatic invite system. Here are five reasons why the Google Ad Grant is worth your time to look into....

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'A Quick Overview of the Triple Nones' And More

A Quick Overview of the Triple Nones
Only eight percent of Americans are triple nones, meaning that they never attend church; they have no beliefs about God; and they claim no religious affiliation or preference.

What Does it Mean to be 'Religious'? Behavior, Belief, Belonging and the Problem of Religiosity
Consider this post as a little mini-lecture about how academics think about the measurement of religiosity. And also check out this module from the ARDA with a bunch more information about measuring religiosity.

Beware Social Myths: Why Memes Offer Symbol Over Substance in the Culture Wars
The problem with social myths is they distract us from the core issues, seducing us into meaningless identity signaling that doesn’t advance our causes or the gospel.

Gospel Hope for a Culture Fixated on Getting Even
A particular theme percolates through pop culture these days, so commonplace we’ve almost called it normal: the desire for revenge.
It is also a theme antithetical to what Jesus taught and modeled.
How to Become a Do-Something Preacher (Part 1)
Jesus was a do-something preacher. He didn’t want people to just listen to what he said. He wanted them to do something as a result of what he taught them.

Becoming a Do-Something Preacher (Part 2)
As a preacher, it’s never enough just to communicate information. God didn’t call us to be seminary professors or entertainers. God called us to be do-something preachers. He expects us to preach for transformation.

The Once and Future Prayer Book
"The Book of Common Prayer, although mutable and equivocal, is the measuring-stick of Anglophone piety—and ever shall be, world without end."

7 Questions for Creating a Fall Training Event for Group Leaders
Fall isn’t far away. It’s time to make a commitment to support your group leaders by introducing a regular rhythm of training.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, June 16, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

Jesus often taught in parables, short, simple stories which illustrated what he was saying. He drew upon things with which his listeners were familiar—young wheat growing in a field or the bushy plants of black mustard growing on the banks of the River Jordan. He used these stories to make his point.

In today’s Gospel reading Jesus uses two parables to draw his listener attention to two characteristics of the Kingdom of God, which he proclaimed. In today’s message we will take a look at what he was proclaiming.

Readings: Ezekiel 17:22-24, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17 and Mark 4:26-34

Message: The Kingdom of God


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Southern Baptists Do Not Adopt Nicene Creed at Annual Meeting' And More

Southern Baptists Do Not Adopt Nicene Creed at Annual Meeting
While most expected the battles over women’s ordination and sexual abuse reform to continue at this year’s meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), another debate emerged, revealing mixed feelings among the denomination’s ranks about the Nicene Creed.

The Episcopal Church reveals clergy misconduct cases involving nominees for presiding bishop 
The announcement comes less than two weeks before the election of the denomination’s next leader.
Also see: Title IV Revelations Scramble Presiding Bishop Race
7 Benefits of Planting Churches
I have become more convinced each year that the Great Commission is a call to plant churches. It started with observing firsthand the blessing it had on Clint Clifton, the man who taught me to see it this way. My conviction has only been strengthened by observing firsthand the blessings it has had in the life of the church I planted several years ago. Let me list seven ways church planting will bless your congregation....

Six Ways to Support Your Youth Minister
Now, this is an article for ministry leaders—church council members, elders, senior pastors—who consider Christ-like church culture to mean caring for one another; and are asking, “How can we support our youth minister?” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). But if you’re not in one of those categories, don’t close the tab! Though they’re the primary audience, there are plenty of suggestions here where you can get involved.

The Danger of Half a Small Group Strategy
Half a strategy just doesn’t cut it. Yes, take initiative and try new things. But, also realize that most strategies have a history and a few secrets to success.

A New Small Group Method for Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
A simple but revolutionary way of doing evangelism and small groups is sweeping the globe. It started in India but it’s rocking the world. In suburbs of San Francisco, slums of South America, and Muslim tribes of Africa, the lost are being won, disciples are being mobilized, and churches are multiplying. It’s called the “Disciple-Making Movement” (DMM). Although it’s a 21st century phenomena, it’s just a return to principles taught by Jesus 2000 years ago.
Also see: Discovery Group Format 2.0
How to End Your Small Group
How do you end your small group? How do you celebrate the cool things that God did in it? How do you bring closure?

5 Tips Toward a Disciplined Life
The Christian life is meant to be a disciplined life. Consider just a couple of passages that bring this out....

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday's Catch: ' Is Your Congregation Shrinking? 6 Questions to Understand and Stop Unnecessary Attrition' And More

Is Your Congregation Shrinking? 6 Questions to Understand and Stop Unnecessary Attrition
When people leave your church because there is another church that better suits them, we should kindly encourage their exit, especially if they plan to immediately engage in the life and mission of their next church. But many people leave churches for all the wrong reasons.

The Reformed Church in America to vote on restructuring
After losing nearly half its membership in just five years, the RCA’s General Synod will consider 10 proposals aimed at charting a path forward.

Baptist Women in Ministry praise failed SBC ban on female pastors as Mike Law vows to fight on
While the majority of Southern Baptist messengers were left disappointed Wednesday by the failure of a proposed amendment to the Southern Baptist Convention's constitution to permanently ban women from serving as pastors "as qualified by Scripture," groups like Baptist Women in Ministry applauded.
Also see: What my grandparents would think of the Southern Baptist Convention today and Mike Law Urges Churches Not To Leave SBC Following Failure To Pass Amendment Barring Women Pastors.
Worship Space Design 101
How we design the physical space of our worship gatherings matters. That’s why we need Worship Space Design 101. How does our gathering space shape us for mission? How does it shape us for community? We already ask interrogating questions in relation to preaching since we are so intensely an information-transaction-culture. Yet we often forget to inspect the media we are using to communicate those messages. What if the medium we use has a message of its own?
The way many contemporary sanctuaries and worship centers are set up conveys the message that the congregation are not participants but spectators, not a worshiping assembly but a audience. This is also true of a number of traditional sanctuaries and worship centers and may be attributed to the influence of the nineteenth century Catholic Revival and the Sandy Creek Revival of the same period.
Navigating Adolescence: Faith-Based Guidance for Teens
Navigating adolescence has never been more challenging. The teen years are a time of profound change and discovery. Kids must adjust to new social dynamics and complex emotions. They are working to form identities. And they must do so in a me-focused culture that often belittles religious belief and practice. For many teens, faith serves as a guide for navigating adolescence. Let’s explore practical ways youth leaders and parents can assist.

Little Disciples: Teaching Children the Path of Discipleship
Guiding little disciples on the faith journey is a privilege. It’s also a huge responsibility. God uses parents, pastors, and children’s ministry workers to point children to him. By introducing kids to Jesus and God’s Word, you set a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship with God. Looking for encouragement as you grow little disciples of Christ? Then read on to explore this role. Plus, learn how God supports you as you serve!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Attendance Is Dying: Church Attendance Trends You Need to Know' And More

Attendance Is Dying: Church Attendance Trends You Need to Know
What church attendance trends are important right now? There’s one main trend: Attendance is dying. Big time. It’s not just reflected in the size of the decline, it’s reflected in the quality and nuances of those numbers.
See also: 7 Church Trends That Will Disrupt 2024
Southern Baptists don’t get votes to add ‘only men’ pastors language to constitution It is rare for Southern Baptists to not affirm a measure with a second consecutive vote.
See also: SBC amendment to permanently ban women pastors falls short, Don’t be lulled by the failure of the Law Amendment, and Dear Baptist women:‘We see God’s image in you’
Keep It Simple: Don’t Waste Your Efforts on the Disinterested
Have you ever wondered what life would look like if you were far away from the responsibilities of the pulpit? If so, then you are not alone. The question “Is it worth it to … ?” seems to be on the lips of many pastors and church leaders today.

Explaining the Bible to Our Culture
There is much about the Bible that our post-Christian culture does not understand, which is not it’s fault. It is, after all, post-Christian. But when talking with people about the Christian faith, it is helpful to be able to quickly and concisely convey the significance of the Bible to the Christian faith, and to overcome some common misconceptions about it.

Were the Earliest Christians Illiterate?
How do we reconcile the fact that early Christianity was a textually-oriented religion with the reality that most Christians couldn’t read? Michael J.Kruger offers some considerations that might help us.

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, June 13, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

Our spiritual growth is not something to leave to chance. Taking stock of our spiritual progress at regular intervals can help us to identify both our strengths and weaknesses. We can build on our strengths and work on our weaknesses. Being methodical in our spiritual life can help us to grow as a Christian.

In this evening’s message we look at the part that grace plays in the faith and life of a Christian.

Readings: Ecclesiastes 11: 1-8; Galatians 5: 16-24

Message: What Does Grace Got to Do with It?!


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.