Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The Equation for Political Transformation" And More

The Equation for Political Transformation
True change in any country comes only through first building God’s Kingdom.

The Most Dangerous Thing a Christian Can Do
" of the most innocent things a Christian does may also be one of the most dangerous."
One of the implications of this finding is that churches need to give more attention to newcomers to the community and the outlying district.
5 Dangerous Ways Churches Convince Themselves They’re Growing
"I’ve seen many church leaders try to convince themselves and their people that they are growing," writes Rich Birch, " which is dangerous because then you won’t be motivated to change or do what is needed to reach the people God is calling you towards." He goes on to explain how church leaders deceive themselves and their people.

Steve Wood Elected ACNA Archbishop
Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) bishops meeting in a conclave have have chosen the Rt. Rev. Steve Wood to lead the 15-year-old denomination. Wood serves as Bishop of the Diocese of the Carolinas and rector of St. Andrew’s Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.
Trouble may be brewing in the ACNA over the ordination of women. I hear the rumblings on Facebook. Wood is one of the bishops who ordains women to the presbyterate in the ACNA. Women's ordination is one of the major issues that divides the ACNA with two groupings of clergy within the ACNA opposing the practice but on different grounds.
Committee Divides on Prayer Book Redefinition
General Convention’s Committee on Constitution and Canons issued a rare split decision on a major issue at its first in-person meeting on June 22. The committee’s four bishops unanimously approved Resolution A072, which would amend the definition of the Book of Common Prayer in Article X of the Episcopal Church’s Constitution. The committee’s deputies rejected it by a vote of 4-6.

Where will churches leaving the SBC go?
In theory, churches expelled from the SBC could join CBF — but the vast majority will not unless they already were dually aligned.

Most Protestant churches aren’t supporting pro-life pregnancy centers, Lifeway survey suggests
There’s a significant gap in the involvement of Protestant churches with local pregnancy resource centers, despite heightened attention on such centers following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade two years ago. A survey by Lifeway Research reveals that only 31% of Protestant churchgoers have observed any congregational support for these centers since the ruling.

The Psalms' Quiet Case for Musical Diversity
How much of a case is there in the Bible for the practice of incorporating diverse styles of music in the regular worship of our churches?

How To Start a Youth Ministry in a Small Church
“Where do I start?” It’s a question a lot of youth workers ask, especially when they’re trying to figure out how to start a youth ministry in a small church. Where do you begin if you’re attempting to launch a new program for teenagers, especially in a smaller congregation?

5 Ways to Develop Your Leaders This Summer
Take advantage of the slower pace to thank your leaders and prepare them for fall.

8 Ways to Encourage Word-Driven Conversations
As the small group leader, there are things that you can do to bring people back to God’s Word continually and help them be more receptive to the Lord speaking to their hearts through it:

Are We Discipling People to Integrate their Faith and Vocation?
We should labor to ensure our people learn not only how to navigate life at church but also how to bring church to their vocation.

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