Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Panel: Don't 'shrug off' religious liberty issue

American Christians' recognition of the threat to religious freedom means they not only may be persecuted "but they may be culpable as persecutors," Russell D. Moore said in a panel session sponsored by the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission on the eve of the 2014 meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Rick Warren, David Platt and Samuel Rodriguez joined Moore, the ERLC's president, in addressing June 9 the current status and future of religious freedom in the United States.

"Many Christians 'shrug off' the issue because they don't understand they are accountable for religious liberty in the American form of government," Moore told an audience of about 260 people.

"The question," he said, "is not only, 'Are we going to be persecuted?' The question is, 'Are we going to be persecutors?' And so if we shrug this off, what we're doing is we're consigning future generations, we're consigning people's consciences to a tyranny that we are going to be held accountable for." Keep reading

See also
Religious Freedom Is the New Civil Rights Issue, Samuel Rodriguez and Rick Warren Say
Why Calvinists and Arminians (and Those in Between) Can Unite for Religious Liberty

Photo: The Christian Post/Sonny Hong

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