Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Richard Dawkins Has Reason to Fear the Fairy Tale

How the realm of make-believe can bring us toward God.

In his delightful little essay, "On the Three Ways of Writing for Children," C.S. Lewis observes:
Once about every hundred years some wiseacre gets up and tries to banish the fairy tale. It is accused of giving [children] a false impression of the world they live in. But I think no literature that children could read gives them less of a false impression.
Last week, the British newspaper The Telegraph reported that Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist well known for the missionary zeal of his atheism, remarked at the Cheltenham Science Festival that reading fairy tales to kids might be harmful. Dawkins, whose famous skepticism seems to have been particularly precocious, claims to have debunked the Santa Claus delusion at the tender age of 21 months. Keep reading

See also
Four Ways to Help Your Child Love Reading

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