Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is among five members elected to serve on the Primates Standing Committee.
The elections, which were held during the Jan. 25-30 Primates Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, have only just been announced because the Anglican Communion Office was awaiting acceptance from Episcopal Church of Sudan Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul, who was unable to attend the meeting. Deng was elected to represent Africa on the committee.
Jefferts Schori first was elected to represent the Americas and the Caribbean on the Primates Standing Committee during the February 2007 Primates Meeting in Tanzania. She will now serve a second three-year term on the committee, which meets once or twice a year along with members of the Anglican Consultative Council Standing Committee.
The memberships of the two committees combine to form the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion, which oversees the day-to-day operations of the Anglican Communion Office and the programs and ministries of the four instruments of communion -- the archbishop of Canterbury, the ACC, the Primates Meeting and the Lambeth Conference of bishops.
Jefferts Schori is the only primate to be re-elected to the committee for the next triennium.
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1 comment:
The primates just won´t stop monkeying around.
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