Mike Horton, of Westminster Theological Seminary in California, has produced a one volume systematic theology which is already highly acclaimed (endorsements include those by Hunsinger, Webster, Vanhoozer, Wells, and Sproul). Horton has been genuinely prolific over the past fifteen years. He has been a key figure in the White Horse Inn, written four volumes of theology in conversation with the Reformed Orthodoxy of the seventeenth century, and many other books besides, edited Modern Reformation, and featured in major conferences all over America and elsewhere. How he has done all this, and much more, while remaining a devoted family man, is beyond most of us. He is undoubtedly a major voice in the theological conversation taking place in the English speaking world at the moment.
Mike Horton's capacity for clear and engaging prose, his careful reading and evaluation of contributions from a wide range of theological perspectives, and his determined biblical stance, ensure that this volume, massive though it is (990 pages), will be of considerable benefit to all who read it. My skimming of this work (all I have been able to do to this point) has whet my appetite for a more sustained engagement with his presentation of the faith.
To read more, click here.
My understanding is that Michael Horton was ordained in the REC. He did an excellent job of explaining grace in his book PUTTING AMAZING BACK INTO GRACE.
Robin and Joe:
1. Tracking on Mike's writings over the last decade. I have been waylaid for 10 years, lamentably, rerettably, but necessarily.
2. Joe, tis' true that Mike was in the REC in the 90's on the west coast. There is a story there with His Sovereign Majesty of the REC, but I digress.
3. Mike's "Christless Christianity" warrants a purchase and evaluation. This wicked, yet justified (in Christ) saint, will be reviewing Mike's book. A prelim review--hastily written, inadequate sociological footnotes, but...but big picture and big direction...spot on. Also, Mike's ST, more on that front. This much, nothing from the Anglican cluckers like it. ACNA, AMiA have no men up to it. Including the VOL windbag.
4. More to follow. I intend to contact Mike re: his book.
From your Anglican brother in exile (it's bad in eastern NC) and warmest regards,
PS...from our Dutch Reformed cousins, when Psalm-singing ruled...including Anglicanism. A great URL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkZEdrZt90w&feature=player_embedded
The Aussies, Africans, South Americans, and Englishmen do not know how bad it is in the US.
Bob in Pittsburg and associates are--hardly--theological representatives. Bob is a General man from NY. I expect scholarship of the old Princeton variety, not Bob's type. Or Jack's from Nashotah House. Good God, deliver me now and forever.\
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