Friday, July 15, 2011

Could the Church of England be Dead in 20 years?

The headline on the July 14, 2011, edition of the British paper, The Telegraph, heralded some very bad news for British Anglicans. It declared, “Aging Church of England 'will be dead in 20 years.'” They buttressed their argument in two ways:

1. The average age of a Church of England attendee is 61 (you do the math).

2. In the last 40 years, church attendance has been cut in half.

You would think that the Archbishop of Canterbury would wake up and smell the coffee. Instead, a few weeks earlier, he finally came clean. Well, he was forced to come clean. For years, he acted as if he was an impartial arbitrator between the believing Anglicans [who make up the majority of Anglicans worldwide] and the apostate ones lead by the American and Canadian Anglicans/Episcopalians. He has always called for “unity,” a way of saying to the believing Anglicans, “just shut-up and let the apostates have their way.”

Now, a document has leaked to the press affirming his quiet desire to ordain homosexual bishops all along, not only in the United States, but in his own backyard, in England. The document entitled Choosing Bishops—The Equality Act 2010 affirms that, “someone in a sexually active relationship outside of marriage is not eligible for the Episcopate.”

But, it contains legal advice that calls for celibate homosexuals to be eligible for ordination to the Episcopate. This is double talk.

To read more, click here.


RMBruton said...

This link doesn't work.

Robin G. Jordan said...


I checked it. It is working. It tok a few seconds for the article to load but the link took me to Charisma magazine and the article.