Friday, July 15, 2011

‘The man’ as brand

Our world keeps changing, and our ways of relating in our fast paced, information charged world keep changing.

Chef as brand
Recently I read of a new phenomenon arising out of the current heightened interest in cooking. It is the concept of ‘chef as brand’.

Until recently chefs became famous for their dishes and the restaurants they ran. Diners desired to eat a dish cooked by a brilliant chef. Every now and then they would make a fortune by producing a cookbook of their best recipes.

A change has now occurred where the chef has become the guru and his name a way of summarizing an experience or at least a hoped for experience. Just employing the chef’s name is marketing advantage. These chefs now market not the dishes they have sweat over in the kitchen but their name. Famous chefs franchise their restaurant name for others to do the cooking. They also develop and market product lines under their name to be sold in specialty shops and supermarkets. It is not hard to name some of the names.

These days you purchase not something produced by a chef, but a dream or expectation that is tied up with that person’s name.

To read more, click here.

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