Friday, July 06, 2012

Baptism under review at General Convention

"Open Table" resolution seeks to remove the requirement of baptism as a prerequisite for Holy Communion

The circle of believers is expanding by the power of the Holy Spirit, the provisional Bishop of Eastern Oregon told member of the 77th General Convention’s Commission on Evangelism, and must not be hindered by man-made rules that forbid welcoming the non-baptized to receive Holy Communion.

On 6 July 2012 members of the commission chaired by Bishop Duncan Gray of Mississippi heard sharply conflicting testimony from supporters and opponents of resolution C04 “Open Table” proposed by the Diocese of Eastern Oregon. The resolution asks the General Convention to interpret the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer “to invite all, regardless of age, denomination, or baptism to the altar for Holy Communion.”

The resolution also asks Convention to delete Canon 1.17.7 which reads: “No unbaptized person shall be eligible to receive Holy Communion in this Church." Read more

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