Monday, July 09, 2012

Bishop Mouneer Anis: Choice of new Archbishop a 'colonial' stitch-up

In a rare intervention, Bishop Mouneer Anis of Egypt warned that many of the estimated 55 million Anglicans across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia and the Americans felt they had “no say” in the process of selecting a successor for Dr Rowan Williams.

He voiced fears that the selection committee, dominated by liberal-leaning British church leaders, would be unlikely to represent the traditionalist views of most Anglicans overseas.

As a result, their decision might only serve to further fracture the Worldwide Anglican Communion, which has been rivven with disputes over issues such as homosexuality in recent years.

But he added that the choice of the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, as Archbishop of Canterbury could help heal the divisions, because he understood and shared the theology of many in the “Global South”.

The new Archbishop is being chosen by the Crown Nominations Commission, a 16-member committee made up of bishops, members of the Church of England’s Synod and local representatives of the Diocese of Canterbury. Read more

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