Saturday, August 04, 2012

Facebook and Church Connections Rarely Mix for Americans, Poll Finds

Very Few Church-Goers Use Social Media Technology to Interact With Pastors, Ministries.

Although many churches in America have been trying to adapt to the current social media culture, a new poll has found that church-goers largely avoid using Facebook or Twitter for interaction with their place of worship or keeping up with pastors.

Forty-five percent of Americans admitted to using Facebook at least a few times a week, the Public Religion Research Institute reported, but only 11 percent of those who attend church at least a few times a year said they use the website to send updates about their church activities. Another 10 percent said they used their phone to record photos or video of worship services, and only 7 percent shared that they sent or read email during service.

Church podcasts and online sermons have also often been pushed by mainstream pastors, but only 13 percent of respondents to the poll said they had downloaded an application to access such media. Those who said they are following their church leader using Twitter or Facebook were only 5 percent. Read more
"Although it comes as no surprise, the poll found that the younger generation is much more likely to use social media and technology for religious purposes."

This finding is key in evaluating the usefulness of this poll's findings. The church with which I am sojourning is primarily targeted at university students and other young adults. Its congregants take advantage of church podcasts and online sermons as well as use social media to maintain contact with church staff and other congregants.

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