Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mississippi Church Sues Town Over Being Banned From Plaza

A small congregation in Mississippi not allowed to set up its church in a town square is bringing a suit against the town to federal court.

Opulent Life Church's suit against Holly Springs over its zoning ordinances was brought before a three judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, where justices heard arguments on Wednesday.

Opulent Life is being represented in part by the Texas-based Liberty Institute. Hiram Sasser, director of litigation for Liberty, told The Christian Post that there are two ordinances at issue in the suit.

"One requires churches to get 60 percent approval from all neighbors within a quarter mile of the property in order to exist anywhere in the city limits," said Sasser.

"The other one completely excludes churches from the town square but allows museums, art galleries, and libraries." Read more

Read also:
Liberty Institute Will Continue Defending Opulent Life Church
Department of Justice to Support Opulent Life Church in Court
Persecuting a Church Because…It’s a Church

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