Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Southern Baptist leaders: Calvinism should not divide SBC

A panel of four Southern Baptist leaders Saturday (Aug. 4) talked honestly about the division within the convention over the issue of Calvinism while offering suggestions and maintaining that Southern Baptists should and can unite, despite differences.

"Baptists for 400 years have disagreed over this issue, and we're not going to come to some place where we all agree. I think we can come to a place where we all can work together," said Union University President David Dockery, one of the speakers at a conference sponsored by the Kentucky Baptist Convention. The conference, called "Calvinism: Concerned, Confused, or Curious," was held at Crestwood (Ky.) Baptist Church.

"In the 18th century, there were particular [Calvinist] and general Baptists, but at the sending of [missionary] William Carey, they joined hands together for the common cause of missions. That's something we can do again," Dockery added. Read more

Read also:
Dockery: Calvinism has roots in SBC history


Mr. Mcgranor said...

Why isn't the opposition at The Free-Will Baptist Church?

Joe Mahler said...

No, Calvinism should not divide the SBC; Calvinism should unite it.