Monday, August 13, 2012

Watch Your Step! The Slippery Slopes of Calvinism and Arminianism

On Positive Affinity Don C. Warrington, a former Pentecostal, now with the Church of God, in his article, "Why the Romance of Calvinism?" revives a nineteenth century North American criticism of Calvinism, that is, the teachings of John Calvin about election and predestination lead to universalism. In a second article, "Calvinism and Universalism: A Follow-Up," he cites the arguments of nineteenth century revivalist Charles Finney in support of this contention. Finney is viewed as the father of modern-day easy believism and in his own day was accused of Pelagianism.

On Sanctus James Giibson, an Anglican minister with PEARUSA, has posted an article about the eighteenth century Irish divine, Jeremy Taylor. Taylor was an Arminian High Churchman who influenced several generations of Anglican clerics, including Non-Juror William Law and  Methodism's founders Charles and John Wesley. Gibson draws attention to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's devastating conclusion that Taylor's views lead to Socianism.


Charlie J. Ray said...

Arminianism is already there. The idea that everyone deserves a chance, universal atonement, and common grace naturally gravitates to God will judge everyone by the "light" they have. So why doesn't everyone have light? Of course they do and no one is really deserving of hell. This is what leads to socinianism and universalism. Karl Barth is another example of that since Barth thought the Remonstrandts had it right and the Calvinists had it wrong.

Reformation said...

A lot that is sophmoric, boring, and--lo, these many years--wearisome. What part of the Bible don't the Arminians, semi-Pelagians and Pelagians get? Must we have Basics 101, as we've noted with Novak over at VOL?

Mr. Mcgranor said...

Man must choose God.