Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Who is church designed for?

For many years we have quite rightly understood the theology of the church meaning that church is both ‘a means to an end’ as well as ‘an end in itself’.

It is an end in itself in that the church now is an expression of the church that will meet around the throne of God for an eternity. And the church is a means to an end because God has chosen his people to make Jesus known so that others may also participate in God’s kingdom.

This theology of church sits within the broader framework where God is currently gathering his children, before sending the Lord Jesus to return.

Why is it, then, that so many churches functionally (not necessarily theoretically) neglect their privileged part in God’s mission? Read more

Read also:
Calif. Pastor Recounts 'Adventures in Churchland;' Says Don't Give Up on Church

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