Saturday, June 07, 2014

4 Moves That Can Make or Break Your Ministry Effectiveness

I recently visited my first chiropractor. A peppy thirtysomething walked in the room and asked, “Are you ready to be adjusted?” with the enthusiasm of a male cheerleader.

To be honest, he scared me a little.

Not willing to back down, I responded, “You bet!” with equal energy.

This stranger, who I never met before, began snapping my neck in strange directions, thrusting his chest into my shoulder as he as announced, “You’re going to hear a popping sound!” and contorted my body in odd shapes resulting in snapping sounds in places in my body I’ve never heard them before.

I walked out of the office, slightly dazed, with an awareness that I really need to work on my posture. Everywhere. I. Go.

The experience made me think about our posture—not just with our shoulders or necks, but in ministry. Sometimes we don’t realize how much our physical posture affects how people respond to us. This is particularly true when leading a small group, church, or ministry. Keep reading

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