Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Do Not Misuse The Name Of The Lord Your God

My oldest daughter was at church one Wednesday night at a carnival which she was very excited about. During the festivities we had a specific toy that was given out to all the children. After standing in line to receive hers, she decided she wanted another. Standing in line for some time, again, she was disappointed when the volunteer handing out the toys informed her that each child only received one toy. Her response, in her disappointment, however, was telling. Rather than humbly walk away, she quickly informed the volunteer that she was the pastor’s daughter, implying that special favors were due her because of her familial standing. Thankfully the good natured volunteer simply smiled, and assured her that this news would not change anything. Sad and humbled, my daughter left with just the one toy in her hand. So, what does this have to do with the third commandment? Keep reading

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