Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Open Doors Releases Top 10 List of Countries Where Christians Face Most Violent Attacks

Persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its top 10 list of countries where Christians face the most violent attacks for their faith, with Nigeria topping the list.

"The alarming trend of violence against Christians in Nigeria over the past months highlights the lack of religious freedom they have and the daily dangers they face from the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram and other violent Islamic organizations," said Open Doors USA President/CEO Dr. David Curry.

"Going to school, attending church or identifying yourself as a Christian is a very brave decision in Nigeria. It is turning into a bloodbath. Christians in the West must stand in the gap with our prayers and support." Keep reading

See also
Nigeria is most violent country for Christians
Analysis: Boko Haram and the Kidnapping of the Chibok Schoolgirls
Angry Islamists torch Christians' shops in Egypt

Photo:World Watch Monitor

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