Monday, June 02, 2014

Twelve Reasons to be Optimistic about the Future of Local Congregations

I know. I have been a spokesman for gloom and doom of the local church. I’ve even written a book about church autopsies—not necessarily a topic of hope and joy.

There have, however, been reasons for my notes of caution and pessimism. First, we must face facts if we are to do something about them. We can’t expect to move forward if we have our metaphorical heads in the sand. Such is the reason I wrote a book on church deaths. Second, the negative situation I have described is a reality. It would not demonstrate integrity if I said something differently.

But, in the midst of the gloomy facts, I remain an obnoxious optimist about local congregations. I do believe there is a very good possibility that we won’t go the way of many other places that have seen the decline of churches to the point of irrelevance. Allow me to share twelve reasons why I remain hopeful. Keep reading

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