Saturday, October 06, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #19

How to Preach Conversationally

What is conversational preaching? What does it look like to preach in a conversational tone? There are many different styles and methods to use when we preach – proclamational, authoritative, narrative – to name a few. And we may employ any number of these styles throughout a preaching career and even in a single sermon. But the tone that, I believe, should pepper our messages is a conversational tone. This article will explain the importance of conversational preaching and how we can utilize it. But first it’s important to define it. Read More

A Quick Shift That Will Dramatically Improve Your Preaching

There may be no higher calling than to stand before God’s people to proclaim his Word. If you can’t get excited about that, you may need to step aside for someone who can. Read More

How to Preach: An Epic Guide to Everything You Need to Know

After a decade of ministry experience, studying preaching, teaching preaching, and writing a few books on the subject, I’m convinced that all great preaching involves three phases. Read More
A good introduction to sermon preparation, delivery, and evaluation.
Aim For The Ear

Do you preach as a would-be writer or do you preach as a preacher? Read More
If you are a writer like I am, you will have to work really hard at aiming for the ear when you preach. It is an entirely different way of communicating.
The Sunday Sermon Is Not a TED Talk

The TED Talk has become a very popular information bank—owned by a nonprofit nonpartisan foundation designed to deliver information to people. According to TED, information is built upon the most important thing in the world—ideas. So, how is preaching a sermon different than delivering a TED Talk? TED Talks are approximately 18 minutes in length while sermons are often longer. It’s more than the length of the talk that distinguishes a Christian sermon from a TED Talk. Read More

Seven Preaching Topics You Should Repeat Often

Don't be afraid of repeating yourself. Repetition is the mother of learning -- and sometimes a pastor's best friend. Read More

Contagious Pulpit Boredom

God is not boring. The Bible is not boring. So why is some preaching boring? Read More

Why Great Sermons Also Include Listening

Listening is a lost art in our culture, so how should we listen to a sermon? Read More

What Are Your *pulpit Cooking Options*?

Peter Mead works the "feeding the flock" metaphor 10 different ways. Read More

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