Saturday, February 09, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #37

Great Preaching Needs Courage ... In The Pulpit And In The Pews

Can we talk about courage? This is as rare as plutonium these days, particularly among the very people who should demonstrate it most readily, the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read More,/b>

7 Steps to Writing a Sermon – Part Five – Collaboration, Rehearsal & Prayer

In this series of posts, we have walked step-by-step through a proven-process to get you from a blank page to ready for Sunday in 7 Steps. In this final post we will look at the last three steps of writing a sermon. Read More

Start With A Bang! Open Your Sermon Strong

A preacher's worst fear is that the congregation will stop listening. What's far more dreadful is if the people never were listening in the first place. Read More

What To Do When Your Preaching Turns Stale

On the dashboard of our ministry life, we need to have a light that flashes when we are preaching flat. What causes it? What should we do? Read More

12 Reasons to Pray More as You Prepare Your Sermon or Lesson for This Weekend

Many of you are pastors or teachers who are putting finishing touches on your sermon or lesson for this weekend. In too many cases, we prepare hard and pray little over our sermons or lessons. For the rest of this week, I challenge you to spend more time praying before you preach or teach. Here’s why.... Read More

Getting Out Of The Sermon Prep Rut

One of the challenges for preachers who have been preaching for some time is that it is much easier to coast, to do less preparation and to simply rely on your experience. Read More

A New Catechism to Encourage Preachers

Many preachers need to be dragged away from the quick thrills of social media, and The Preacher’s Catechism demonstrates how much can be gained by turning to the riches of the church’s written heritage. Read More

Image Credit: Holy Cross Anglican Church, Knoxville, TN

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