Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Startling Evidence of a Changed Life

When someone is converted to trust in Jesus, the change in their lives is also remarkable. I have seen some startling changes in people. Muslim women have stopped wearing their scarves and started wearing crosses around their necks. Previous heavy drinkers have become sober. Selfish, proud people become the first people to help others. The changes that the Holy Spirit makes in people’s lives are incredible.

A life that is fundamentally changed by Jesus is evidence to those around you that Jesus is real. In fact, a consistent Christian life lived amongst non-Christians is probably the most convincing piece of evidence you can show someone that our faith is real. Think about this. Your work colleagues and your unbelieving families have probably never gone to church or read the Bible. Unless something happens to make them do this, they maybe never will. They need to see evidence there is something to Jesus. That evidence might be you. Read More

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