Wednesday, July 01, 2015

What Christians Should, and Should Not, Be Concerned Now That the Supreme Court Has Redefined Marriage

Christians should have some concerns about Friday's U.S. Supreme Court decision redefining marriage to include same-sex couples. Some reactions, however, have been overblown. Here is what Christians should, and should not, be concerned about. Keep reading

Also see
Tennessee Lawmakers Drafting Bill to Protect Pastors Who Object to Marrying Same-Sex Couples After Supreme Court Ruling
I fully expect measures like the one Tennessee lawmakers are drafting if adopted by the state legislatures and signed into law by state governors will be tested in the courts. What the "gay rights" movement is seeking is not marriage equality but the acceptance of homosexuality and the homosexual lifestyle as normative not by one or more segment of US society but all segments of US society in their entirety with no exceptions and to silence Christians who believe that God has revealed in Scripture that homosexual practice is contrary to his will for humankind and is displeasing to him. 
Photo credit: Christian Post/Napp Nazworth

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