Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Do Your Friendships Reflect God’s Heart?

Relationships with People Who Are Not Followers of Jesus

Christian community and being part of a local church are essential for a healthy life of faith. God delights when we are active in the body of Christ, his family. But too many Christians get so invested in relationships with their believing friends that they forget to develop and nurture friendships with those who have not come to experience and embrace the grace of Jesus.

It is easy to circle the spiritual wagons and take a defensive attitude toward the world. Some Christians see nonbelievers as the enemy. When this attitude prevails, we tend to break off our relationships with people who are not Christians. If we do interact with nonbelievers, we tend to keep these relationships shallow and safe.

This way of thinking is diametrically opposed to the example of Jesus. It is contrary to the very heartbeat of God. Think about it—God left the glory of heaven to come and live among people who hated him and would one day kill him. While we were sinful and rebellious, Jesus entered our world to give his life for us. God loved the people of the world so much that he offered his beloved Son as the sacrifice for our sins. The story of Christmas is the perfect example of God’s commitment to enter relationship with the people who needed him. Keep reading

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