Thursday, August 09, 2012

Can Mega Be Missional? Asking the Right Question

I begin a new blog series to continue an ongoing dialogue. And make no mistake this dialogue is important. What I hope we gain together are sound principles of what makes a church missional -- anytime, anywhere, any size. Even greater, I hope you see where your church is un- or under-engaged in the mission of God -- and make clear plans to take concrete steps forward.

This summer, while not at my church, I've preached at a few megachurches -- James River Assembly of God (Springfield, MO), Bethlehem Baptist Church (Minneapolis), and will be at Christ Fellowship (Miami) this Sunday. At every place the question was discussion, "How can we live on mission more effectively?" They wanted to live on mission while being a megachurch. Megachurches want to be missional.

Another outcome I'd love to see the end of "class envy" and "class superiority" in all sized churches. Some small churches or anti-megas believe large churches are blight on America. In turn, some mega churches sneer at small churches with a spirit of superiority because any church in America smaller than them "just doesn't get it."

We need each other! The enemy is not another church -- the enemy is the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-17). And if it takes all kinds of churches to reach all types of people then we all have a unique place in God's mission. Paul gave a principle that supports our need for each other to the Romans.... Read more

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